pic481.jpg Jonathan in the North End pic482.jpg Custom House tower pic488.jpg Robin leaves town Planned Parenthood volunteers circa 2003
pic489.jpg Halloween approaches pic490.jpg Pumpkins in Somerville pic491.jpg Party on CfA roof: Camilla Elvis, Steve Murray and Dan Schwartz, Christine Jones pic495.jpg CfA party
pic496.jpg Kim Kowal and Megan Watzke pic497.jpg Fabbiano, Nori Laslo, Elvis, Schwartz, Nicastro, Risaliti, Siemiginowska, Fruscione pic498.jpg CfA party pic499.jpg CfA party
pic500.jpg VO at CfA pic501.jpg VO Data Models at CfA: Ray Plante, Doug Tody, Dave Giaretta, Mireille Louys, Clive Page pic502.jpg VO Data Models at CfA: Arnold Rots, Clive Page, Mark Dittmar, Janet Evans, Ian Evans, Patrick, Mireille Louys, Ray Plante, Doug Tody, Dave Giaretta pic503.jpg Border Cafe? Something political?
pic504.jpg Ditto pic505.jpg Bruce Roberts gives OCC tour to students pic506.jpg Bruce Roberts gives OCC tour to students