Brickbottom Open Studios 2009

dsc_0141.jpg Brickbottom dsc_0142.jpg Entrance dsc_0143.jpg Welcome to Open Studios dsc_0144.jpg Welcome to Open Studios
dsc_0145.jpg Index gallery dsc_0147.jpg Index gallery dsc_0148.jpg Refreshments from the Biscuit dsc_0066.jpg Lobby
dsc_0015.jpg Arriving at Open Studios dsc_0001.jpg Work by Diane Novetsky dsc_0003.jpg Jerry Lainoff
dsc_0018.jpg The gallery dsc_0020.jpg The gallery dsc_0021.jpg The gallery
dsc_0022.jpg The courtyard dsc_0023.jpg Sculpture by Obie Simonis - and admirer dsc_0024.jpg Susan Straus
dsc_0005.jpg David Tonnessen dsc_0006.jpg David Tonnessen dsc_0007.jpg David Tonnessen
dsc_0010.jpg Trying on a Karen T shirt dsc_0011.jpg Karen Tonnessen and her T-shirts dsc_0014.jpg Karen T and collection
dsc_0025.jpg Light show by Brian Neltner dsc_0027.jpg Light show by Brian Neltner dsc_0028.jpg A moving exhibit from Terezin by Katherine Kinsey dsc_0030.jpg Katherine and Blake in a struggle to the death
dsc_0032.jpg Mark Luigi's humourous psuedo-Victoriana dsc_0034.jpg Mark Luigi dsc_0038.jpg Beverly Sky dsc_0039.jpg George Gabin and Martha Stone (sorry about the funny face, George)
dsc_0041.jpg George's portrait of the artist's studio dsc_0042.jpg Susan Schmidt dsc_0043.jpg Charles G. Baldwin and his theatrical creation dsc_0044.jpg Art fans
dsc_0045.jpg Gina Kamentsky and her mechanical creations dsc_0050.jpg Gina Kamentsky and her mechanical creations dsc_0051.jpg Pier Gustafson dsc_0052.jpg Pier's stuff
dsc_0053.jpg Pier's stuff dsc_0054.jpg Amazing wax sculptures dsc_0055.jpg Piotr Parda dsc_0055.jpg Video installation by Piotr Parda
dsc_0063.jpg Lisa Lunskaya Gordon's haute couture dsc_0069.jpg Sam Smiley at work dsc_0072.jpg Sam Smiley
dsc_0073.jpg Deborah Davidson dsc_0074.jpg Sam Smiley's video installation dsc_0075.jpg Ron Pownall and his rock photos dsc_0076.jpg Jessica Straus at work
dsc_0078.jpg Work by Jessica Straus dsc_0079.jpg Lois Fiore and friend and art dsc_0082.jpg Lois Fiore in her studio dsc_0083.jpg Celia Gilbert (and daughter Kate)
dsc_0086.jpg Celia Gilbert dsc_0087.jpg Lois shows off art in the corridor dsc_0088.jpg Diane Novetsky
dsc_0091.jpg Diane Novetsky dsc_0092.jpg Cyn Maurice dsc_0094.jpg Cyn Maurice dsc_0096.jpg Cyn Maurice
dsc_0097.jpg Work by Cyn Maurice dsc_0098.jpg View of I-93 dsc_0099.jpg View of Somerville
dsc_0101.jpg Wally Gilbert's studio dsc_0103.jpg Debbie in Wally Gilbert's studio dsc_0104.jpg Wally explains his methods
dsc_0105.jpg Wally points the way dsc_0106.jpg Wally's new work dsc_0107.jpg Wally and his new work
dsc_0109.jpg Wally's studio dsc_0110.jpg David Colombo and his globes dsc_0111.jpg David and his globes dsc_0112.jpg Glass work by Peter Ridabock
dsc_0115.jpg Peter Ridabock dsc_0116.jpg The wonderful found world of Rosaumond Purcell
dsc_0118.jpg Visitors to Rosamond's studio dsc_0119.jpg Rosamond's studio dsc_0120.jpg Rosamond's wall
dsc_0122.jpg Rosamond's wall as Celia explores the details dsc_0123.jpg Student from Prospect Hill Academy and her work dsc_0124.jpg Student from Prospect Hill Academy and her work
dsc_0125.jpg dsc_0127.jpg Sherry Autor dsc_0129.jpg Josh Wisdumb dsc_0130.jpg Josh Wisdumb
dsc_0133.jpg Pauline Lim dsc_0136.jpg Pauline Lim, "Om...." dsc_0137.jpg Pauline Lim dsc_0138.jpg Pat Stevens