Revisiting Woking

A few pictures of interest only to me, reminders of places I knew as a kid.
DSC_0001.jpg Old Woking DSC_0002.jpg Old Woking DSC_0003.jpg Pub in Old Woking DSC_0004.jpg St Peter's in Old Woking
DSC_0005.jpg St Peter's DSC_0006.jpg St Peter's DSC_0007.jpg Mum in Woking DSC_0008.jpg
DSC_0009.jpg DSC_0010.jpg This area goes back to Saxon times DSC_0011.jpg Solar collectors in Old Woking DSC_0012.jpg
DSC_0013.jpg Pub at intersection near my old home DSC_0014.jpg I used to refuel here while learning to drive DSC_0015.jpg Familiar intersection DSC_0016.jpg Treelined ave near Horsell Common
DSC_0017.jpg Pub in Woking DSC_0018.jpg Shopping street near Woking station DSC_0019.jpg Railway bridge near Woking station DSC_0020.jpg Chobham Rd mini-roundabout, on my way home from school
DSC_0021.jpg Chobham Rd route DSC_0022.jpg Chobham Rd route DSC_0023.jpg Houses near HPkRd DSC_0024.jpg Houses near HPkRd
DSC_0025.jpg After Chobham, turn right on Woodham Rd DSC_0027.jpg Along Woodham Rd
DSC_0029.jpg and left into Brockenhurst Close DSC_0030.jpg Brockenhurst Close DSC_0031.jpg The tree Mum planted in 1971 is now huge DSC_0032.jpg 19 B-Close, home until 1974
DSC_0033.jpg Bottom of B-Close DSC_0034.jpg Another B-Close house similar to ours DSC_0035.jpg Six Crossroads DSC_0036.jpg Six Crossroads, huge trees in middle
DSC_0037.jpg Six Crossroads DSC_0038.jpg Horsell Common