20231126_085909.jpg QUB shield - bgm 20231126_085915.jpg Bridge in Paris - bought on a return visit 20231126_085925.jpg QUB painted by RCB. Lanyon building, late 1950s? original 20231126_085929.jpg Durham West Front, Norman Wade,print
20231126_085944.jpg Alice Clay - ENglefield Green women's club member, artist -original 20231126_085951.jpg Horsell Village, given to BGM by neighbors - Carol White when left Old Malt Way 20231126_085955.jpg RHC byt Alice Clay, original 20231126_090009.jpg David, Karen, Elliott ca 1998?
20231126_090012.jpg RCB and MMG wedding? 20231126_090017.jpg BGM graduation BA 20231126_090019.jpg MRCM graduation BSc 20231126_090023.jpg OEM OU graduation
20231126_090049.jpg JCM BA grad 20231126_090053.jpg DBM med grad 20231126_090059.jpg JFG parliament 20231126_090120.jpg Lurig Ethen? RCB orig
20231126_090124.jpg Quintin Castle, RCB orig 20231126_090130.jpg Original by Wm. Conor (famous Irish painter, donated to RCB) 20231126_090136.jpg Elliott BA grad 20231126_090140.jpg Elliott at Wolverhampton Grammar School
20231126_090145.jpg Lawrence on horse 20231126_090150.jpg MRCM 2 wk before ill, as Dean of Sci RHC, presenting staff to QE2 20231126_090155.jpg JFG inwkell cira becoming Minister - possibly solid silver 20231126_090158.jpg JFG plate on leaving ministry? Valedictory silver salver
20231126_090205.jpg 20231126_090214.jpg RCB giving the speech at BGM wedding dinner 20231126_090218.jpg MMG in D&K first house xmas 1995 20231126_090220.jpg D,K,E on E graduation
20231126_090224.jpg BGM wedding Olga, Paul Molyneaux (Daphne's son, Daphne wasNance McGill's dtr), MRC, BGM, Hadden Orr, Sheila Knox (later Jackman) 20231126_090228.jpg JCM grad 20231126_090230.jpg DBM grad 20231126_090234.jpg D,K wedding
20231126_090255.jpg Attica, by Taki Darzentos, orig, father of John (Yanis) Darzentos was phd student of MRC 20231126_090259.jpg Matisse print - Lady With Hat 20231126_090303.jpg Santorini, orig by Taki Darzentos 20231126_090310.jpg Place de la COncorde, by RCB original
20231126_090314.jpg Amboise, orig by RCB 20231126_090323.jpg Antrim COast Road, orig by RCB 20231126_090336.jpg PrAnne and MRCM and ? 20231126_090354.jpg Hiroshiga print MRC brought back from Japan 80s?
20231126_090401.jpg Hiroshiga print 20231126_090403.jpg Picasso print from rose period 20231126_090408.jpg Lady Reading Letter, Vermeer print 20231126_090410.jpg Bridgnorth, artist name on back
20231126_090413.jpg COmmissioned by Wm Blair (BGM gdad), Old Park Print Works Dam. Original by Harry R Douglas (near Cave Hill) 20231126_090416.jpg Modigliani print. Bought in art gallery in London 20231126_090419.jpg JFG 20231126_090422.jpg E and (R) Lawrence
20231126_090423.jpg MRCM circa late 1970s? 20231126_090428.jpg At lower left, silver BGM christening gift from later-PM John Andrews - jewel box - Geggie's ring with purple stones; Amber ring from MRCM trip to Russia, black pin from Pauline Heddle, swirly pin of unrecalled origin. - at center, tortoiseshell and silver dressing table set (bunch of brushes) prop of MMG