Apr 9, 1989: March for Women's Lives in Washington, DC

1989pic543.jpg 9 Apr 1989, DC: Deb Coon's apartment; Joann, ?, AHP, ?, ?, Deb, Barbara 1989pic544.jpg The Astrophysicists For Choice sign is born 1989pic545.jpg Planning for the march 1989pic546.jpg AFC ready to march
1989pic547.jpg AFC 1989pic548.jpg At the Monument 1989pic549.jpg At the Monument 1989pic550.jpg Marching
1989pic551.jpg Marching 1989pic552.jpg 9 Apr 89, Washington Mall 1989pic553.jpg 9 Apr 89, Washington Mall 1989pic554.jpg 9 Apr 89, Washington Mall
1989pic555.jpg Mormons for Choice 1989pic556.jpg AFC meet ST: AHP, Mike Fitchett, Laura Danly, Meg Urry, Andy Symkoviak, Rosie Wyse, Anne Kinney 1989pic557.jpg AFC and the ST gang at the Monument 1989pic558.jpg AHP at the Capitol
1989pic559.jpg Coathangers on the DoJ 1989pic560.jpg AFC at the Monument 1989pic561.jpg AHP at the Capitol 1989pic562.jpg Laura Danly and AHP at the Capitol